One of the major factors we don’t find improvement is because our healthcare team is lacking. I said what I said. A lot of doctors are not properly trained, barely passed their courses and life lessons, or taught by generations that have not kept up with science, research, and patient forums.
In some ways, I can’t blame them. But with as much technology we have at our disposal, it has allowed us to have access to everything we need, there truly is no excuse. As healthcare providers, we need to remember to have a scientific mind and above all, empathy. If you have not been thru the things you are treating, which is honestly most doctors, then have some empathy for your patients. This is the reason why many health coaches who niche down to a particular health concern, can thrive. Because they have made it their life’s mission to help themselves and others in this journey.
Now, one thing many of us fail to understand, and why some things “don’t work for you”, is not that the health coach or provider is wrong, is that there is a lack of understanding of your particular biochemistry. Everyone is different, unique, has gone through different life experiences that has affected their body in a different way. That alone tells us, so much. Then we add how or diets and lifestyles are, what other diagnosis the healthcare provider is treating and you have a messy situation. That’s why some things are more of a “band-aid” or just simple not enough.
Let me use myself as a clear example. After surgery, I went on medication. Now, there is a lot of diving I can talk about what could have possibly led to this life experience. From emotional pain, to lack of nutrients. But there was a point back in 2017, that I had enough. I was on the right medication, right dosage for ME, but still stuff was not clicking for the results I wanted for my body. My main goals then were to lose weight (keep it off), and regain a sense of normalcy within my body…feeling safe again. This is a journey I am still on. Because life changes us so much, we never stop changing, and needing different things.
Things that have become mainstream in both the autoimmune and thyroid community are going gluten and dairy free, get a cocktail of supplements, drink your water, eat portion meals, and sleep. Some may explain why, others may simply just say, it is the way, and that is it. But, having tried almost everything, I can say, it’s not that simple. So finding a provider or coach that understands this as well, is vital.
So, "Kim, how do I find the right doctor for me?" Well, here are …questions you have to ask yourself and of the doctor:
1. Is the doctor an endocrinologist?
2. If the doctor is an endocrinologist, do they specialize in thyroid conditions or diabetes?
3. Does the doctor only read TSH and/or only prescribe Synthroid/Levothyroxine?
4. Does the doctor recommend supplements, and protocols?
5. Does the doctor show any empathy towards your symptoms or dismissive?
These are baseline questions to determine if this a good doctor to start working with. Time can only tell where they truly stand. No doctor is perfect, but you should be getting quality healthcare like your life depends on it. Because my friends, it does.
Please remember, this is not medical advice, but suggestions from someone that went through the journey. Always ask your healthcare provider and evaluate the things that make more sense to you.